Thursday, June 26, 2008

hepi besday to me =)

yeay,finally i'm 18!hehe.takde lah great sangatt kann dh berumor ni..biase2 je pn.tapi cume rase best je cuz when the clock struck 12,byk gilaa mesej serbu masuk.ngeh3
tapii kali nii,saye telah tdo awl pd mlm besday seryes 1st time kot jadik cmtu.penat sgt aa katekann..siang tuh,kwn2 uia saye tlh mmbuat sepraiz kt saye.mereka belanje saye mkn donad!hahaha.gile comei :) idea pacik kot sume ni.hehe.thnx aa pacik ats sume bnd ni.

mule2,die ajk kua utk celebrate besday saye sesame.tapii saye rase kalo 2 org je cm x best la, saye ajk erisya,kwn semeja semase di integomb.hehe.kbetulan mmg erisya nakk sgt jumpa saye waktu tu..lepas mkn kt scrt recipe,ktorg gerak ke big apple.pacik kate nak blnje saye 18 donad sbb umo saye dh 18 kann :p

hehe.tapii,yg tekejotnye..pegi je sane..ade satu geng ni tgh lepak2.tibe2 ade sorg tu menoleh.dlm hati saye bekate,"eh..mcm knl saje org bertahi lalat tu!" bile tgk2 lame sikit..wahh,geng saye rupenye!hahaha..ade bella,mar tape,farah ngan nesh :D
cet,pndai aa pacik umpan kate nak blnje saye.huhu.pastu diorg pn nyanyi aa lagu bestday utk saye.ngeh3.maka tersengih2 aa saye kt kedai tu.malu di pandang cashier2 ngan org2 yg beli donad kt situ.

lepas tu ktorg g tgk wyg cte GET SMART. best wooo :)) seryes.hehe.enjoy aa jugak kann..abes je movie ktorg kne bergegas balikk sbb dh lewatt gilaa (kol 5.30 time tu) ktm pn sesak yg amat.dh laa kne tggu tren yg seterusnye coz sume bro2 ngan macik2 kt kl cntral tu tolak kami sbb nak sgt msk ktm.pergh.sardin2.tu yg buat hari itu hari yg sgt memenatkan.tapi ape2 pun,ia adelah hari yg best bg saye.terimakasey kawan2 (gaye alleycat ckp) ;D

ni lah buah2 hati i.jgn jeles yea :p

ouh btw,saye jumpe ni kat belog reen.ahaha.specially dedicated to me.sweet gile.tengkiu reen! =))

'A verrrryyyyyyyy good friend of mine that I have known way back of the days at Integomb. She's extremely nice, soft-spoken and sangat rajin! But don't be fooled with her skema-ness. She's able to make an unexpected joke about anything that will definitely left you laughing your ass off! Hehe. Best of luck in everything Nad! I miss you and can't wait to meet you and the other fellow 3rd5vers this Saturday! And by the way, that's not her son. Cousin, I think. Come on people, she's only 18 for God's sake.'

P/s : We have a thing in common. Can you guess?
p/s from nadia:reen,pe bnd yg same nye tuu :P byk kot

sekian saje cherita hari ini.bakal di update lagi bile2 rase ringan tangan nak menulis.hehehe.babai.slm ^.^

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

sperti bese, nk komen gamba..
ahax! XP
gamba aku cam bese r, aku nmpk cam dodol.. ;p
da r tudong kna tiop kipas tuh..
pnat aku tiop...
pape pown, kami suke sbb anda happy~~
ngee~~ =D