Monday, October 31, 2011


Okay.habis episode bekerja, kita masuk kepada episode raya pulakk.haa,tahun ni kitorang raya dekat pulau pinang dulu then baru gi taiping.yang bestnya sebab ramai ramai ade time ni.perfect timing la kiranya..

 sikit sikit gambar raye.malas nak cari gambor.huhu

Balik dari raya, ade konvoi raya pulak bersama kawan kawan.the first time pergi rumah afwaz and rumah saya sajo..the second trip pergi banyak tempat sikit,rumah bella, mona, farah nasiha, and faris.the third trip pergi rumah nesh, and nadiah salihah kat klang sana tuhh..emm..i think this was my first time convoy ramai ramai.besttt!!dapat pegi rumah ramai orang ^_^

p/s: rasa dewasa sangat bila gi jenjalan raya rumah kawan dengan drive sendiri.hoho

Sunday, October 30, 2011

my postponed update~

on 25th june,a day after  my  bday, I  was busy preparing for the family gathering.sepupu saya from penang nak sambung belaja kat oversea so kiranya diorang ramai ramai from penang transit kat rumah saya lah before gerak gi KLIA.bestt sebab masetu rasa macam dah lamaa sangat tak jumpe diorang semua.haishhh

my mak ordered nasi arab for them.sedappp! ^_^

 anak-anak buah& sedara  mara saye

 ye memang semua pakat pose buat peace je kat sini -__-

then, I think after a week duduk rumah, I got a call from madam asiah, requesting me to work as her RA(research asst) for KUDU KAED.haaaa.this is really task varies.macam2 kena buat from photocopy things,buat pamphlet,poster,minit meeting,reply email,edit buku sampai lah ke handle conference.seriously macam2 experience dapat bile kerja kat sini sebab kite kena deal dengn macam2 jenis orang yg mostly bertaraf professor.i feel very small.orang semua ade ni pulak setakat degree sajo~  -___-

a view from my workspace.yes.very messy.manelaa tak pening pala @_@

Sambil sambil kerja tu sempat lagi belaja masak2 sikit.heee.nanti nak share la sikit recipe.ini beginners recipe sajo..takde ape yang superbnyaa..tapi at least dah tau memasak kan? ;)

Dalam bulan puasa ni jugak, saye ade reunion kecil kecilan dengan kawan kawan integomb.godd..i really miss them.we gather 2 hours before berbuka kot..just to catch up story.hehehe.seronot dengar macam macam updates diorang and paling best bila kita ingat2 balik kenangan masa sekolah dulu.hahaha
 nadzrin & izwan aripin

Ohh..kan orang cakap kalau first gaji haruslah belanja keluarga kan..soo,woth my 1st gaji I belanja my family baskin robin.heeee.i’m very happy as this was their first time.. Cuma sayangnye tak amik gambaq pulak..huhu
Anyway,I’m glad that mdm asiah amik raziemi kerja dengan dia after I promoted him.hihihi.rase macam best jek..ohh one week before raya, I was quite free sebab madam takde so kerja pun macam x pressure sangat. I manage to siapkan tulis and hantar kad raya to 55 orang.haaa..record nih hanto banyak cemni.walaupun sekarang ni stamp 50sen.haaa..semua ni sebab aku rasa diorang ni la jugak yang banyak contribute kat ekonomi KEDAI TUU.hahaha.tapi ade certain pelanggan tetap yang tak dapat card..tulaa..sape suruh tak letak alamat kat page SEBELAS.kan dah x dapat.hehehe  :p

Oh btw, tahun ni jugak saye dapat kad rayaa lebih sikit dari tahun2 sebelumnya.8/9 keping kalau x silap...kalau tak selalunya dapat 2-3 keping je.ececeh..ade satu kad raya tu bagi duit raya siapp.hehehe..tengkiuu to  you-know-who-you-are!! ^_^  baru part ke brape dari my postponed update.harap bersabar yehh~
salam =)

Monday, October 24, 2011


u know, we have a new neighbour skarang baru ni muda2 lagi.dlm lingkungan awal 30an gitu..anak paling tua pun umur 7 sekarang ni petang petang meriahuolls rumah saya ni sebab budak2 dok main main tengteng,kejar kejar, jerit jerit..hehe..a few funny things least for me its funny la -_-"

situation 1
abah kenalkan diri kat jiran sebelah..then that guy call abah 'pakcik' haha.he was expecting 'abang'..kui3.sentap abah saye uolls~

situation 2
abang saya cakap, there's one day when orang sebelah ni balik kerja,anak anak dia rush ke gate untuk sambut ayah dia..sambil jerit 'yay yay ayah dah balik!' then a few minutes later, ayah saye pulak balik..u know what they said?

'yay yay, atuk dah balik!'

kelakarrrrr!! comel gilaaa bila bayangkan my dad now dah taraf tokwan tokwan gituew..haha.sori abah.tapi nak wat camanee :p


soon-to-be tokwan.hehe :p

Sunday, October 23, 2011

i miss architecture

its been 8 week i'm in the new department. urban and regional far everything went well..except a few minor things *the foreigner of course* :P

eventho urp x guna sangat software like sketchup/autocad/3dmax BUT we have STELLA!( A modelling environment for simulation) and GIS!(geographical information system) wahaha..tu jela stakat yang saya baru explore ni kan.hehehe..anywayy,those yang nak sambung master in URP, i would reccomend u to sebab its like architecture jugakk..cuma dia in a bigger scope.kalau dulu kat architecture kite buat micro planning (planning the space INSIDE the buiding) but in URP, we do macro planning.we plan for the whole area (state,region, etc..)

but, whatever it is...

i seriously miss learning architecture ='(

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Salam. Hai semua lama kan x berblogging?haaa..tu lah setiap kali pun mesti post cemni pastu lagi sebulan dua baru post lain and akan start camni jugok.hahaha..
Sooo many things happened lately and I just don’t have the time to blog about it.oh maybe sebab takde internet and malas sikit.hihi..
and i think 09.10.11 is the happiest day in my lifee (so far)=))
now, I’m a graduate of in architectural studies.gitteww.berbelit lidah uolls nak sebut..haa,ape rasenye eh dah grad? i think,rasa sebak nak nangis sebab gembira sangat kut..huhu..lagi lagi bila nyanyi lagu iium.huhu..mungkin sebab tengok lirik dia yang sangat meaningfull kot :') anywayy, i'm glad that i made my parents proud.hehehe..
fyi, saya tak kerja lagi and tak sempat nak merasa camana kerja as a draughtsmen/asst architect/interior designer and what not..time time orang semua dok sibuk apply kerja sana sini, saye dok apply nak blaja balik.huhu..i’m just not ready yet to work :/

Oh btw, lets preview sikitt some of my pre-convocation photos =D =D

So what basically I do lepas habis heritage studies bulan 7 tu?haaa..nanti kita update ye uolsss..sekarang tengah mood convocation lagi..banyak gambar best yg ditangkap sepanjang ade robe and mortar board ni.rase nak upload semua tapi x mampu la kann.internet access sangatlah limited..haha btw,i love it when dekat news feed pun still penuh dengan gambar2 orang happy ^_^ so,lets just wait for another post from me.wiwiwii.tata~

p/s:bole tak nak konvo setiap tahun? ;)